Emotional Responsibility, Whose Is It?

2 07 2008

Last night I thought of how many people feel responsible for someone else’s happiness or sadness to the point of thinking bad about themselves if they fail. True, but I would say that many times we are not responsible but we are the catalyst by what the circumstances develop in someone’s life affecting their current existence and provoking them to be happy or sad as a result. But situations of this magnitude don’t develop as a result of just one individual, but two or more and sometimes even other aspects of life take a toll on the dynamic of the situation as well; health, financial pressures and what’s happening in the world.

Looking at it from that point of view, it is unjust to believe we are the solely responsible for someone else’s happiness or sadness. Each person is in charge of themselves and it is their duty to know how to obtain and maintain their own emotional state independently from other individuals. When we are content within we attract more positive emotions in our reality.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to make someone else happy as long as we realize that it is ultimately their decision to be receptive to our efforts and their voluntary opening of their hearts to welcome the possibility to feel it. Two people can create a beautiful dynamic relationship opened to experience the many rewards it can develop, but no one person is responsible for the outcome of what it may become.

Clary Lopez, author of Simplicity, Richness of Life



One response

5 07 2008
Phil I

Very true. We are responsible for our own happiness. The others around us whether family or friends make their contributions, but it’s up to each individual to decide to let themself be happy. When others treat us in a positive manor they help reflect our good qualities and aid in steering us in the proper direction.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful insight Clary.

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