
2 07 2013

Sailboats to me represents stillness, ease of travel while breaking deep beneath the water that takes them to uncharted places under the blue sky. Over the water you see a very graceful vessel, simple, stretching up to heaven but what you can’t see is the massive keel which gives it the stability as they dance over the water guided by the wind. 



Life has taken me to rough waters, challenging journeys in which sometimes I can’t even find the chart map for. There is always an internal guide within that if I stay still and quiet enough I am able to connect with for a way to travel and the necessary knowledge to go further. It is hard at times to find time to connect as I fight to survive and stay focus in order to make the right moves and decisions. I know that ultimately my good intentions and desire for justice will prevail. All I want is the freedom to start anew and to have a better future. 

I learned that to live a good life I can’t depend on someone else, at the same time there are certain benefits earned in life that undeniably must be granted.  As a recreate my life I continue to grow and all the challenges add something to my knowledge and make me stronger. Life is not easy, it is a training field for your will and integrity. It is the place where your true colors are brought forth and the place where mistakes can be corrected if you desire to. Nobody is perfect, but I want to try even if I fell a few times. It is okay to fall as long as I get up quick.  I will lift the mainsail as the wind blows, I will follow the flow and see where this world wants to lead me and soon I will see the sunrise in my life like I have never seen it before and smile… All these times will be behind me, soon all will be the past and I will find my happiness again. 

Chossing Our Path

2 06 2008

olive pathe

My spiritual retreat weekend served me to nourish my mind and soul. Here is an excerpt of a reflection I wrote on my journal:

I’m walking the grounds and looking not only for a place to sit and rest my back but also a shade. it must be 96 degrees F and I can’t feel comfortable anywhere.

I go from place to place and try to reflect or write. It’s way too hot, and the insects are now biting me. I decide to go back in. As I look at the path before me the road splits in two, one is a short way to where I’m going but it provides no shade. So I choose the long path instead in order to get relieved from the sun on my skin.

I immediately thought of real life situations that might present themselves; there is always a short way and a long way. In our eagerness to get things over with, we sometimes choose the shortest way when in reality the long way would have given us more time reflect upon our decisions and also provide relief along the way. Like the shade from the trees that almost covered all the way on my long path to the monastery.
(end of journal entry)

Taking time to absorb what surrounds us, to listen to our inner voice, to open ourselves to the possibilities, and to open our mind to the unexpected are just some of the benefits of choosing a long path.

Clary Lopez, author of Simplicity, Richness of Life

The Serenity Prayer

10 05 2008


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

–Reinhold Niebuhr