Write a Caption

25 10 2008

I love to search for pictures to include on my blog in order to give you a visual of what it is I’m trying to share with you. Sometimes I know what to write about and look for a picture to go with it but many other times a picture provides me the writing topic.

I want to try something fun. What thoughts comes to your mind when you look at pictures?

Share them with me on this section as I post different pictures from time to time. It would be a fun interchange for everyone!!

Go ahead! Write your caption for this picture!!!



10 responses

25 10 2008
Dr. Tom Bibey

Well kid if I looked like you, I’d post my picture, too. But, given I am old and half worn out, I don’t want to scare away my readers.

I’ll sent my caption out to my lovely wife of many years- “Hold on dear, we’ll go together.”


25 10 2008

Seeking Serenity

25 10 2008

Hi five dude!!

27 10 2008
Persia passion

Give me back my lost seconds….

28 10 2008
James A Woods

Humanity reaches for an epiphany as the light of revelation creates shadows on the experienece of mankind.

28 10 2008

The picture reminds me of a quote by a Muslim mystic, Rabia Al-Adawiyah:

“After great despair comes great awakening.”

30 10 2008

“Seeking Deliverance” or perhaps “Wonderment” depending on negative or positive perspective…

30 10 2008
Arthur Henn

The Key of Life, lies in the palm of my hands

31 10 2008
Arthur Henn

I meant for this to be

(The Key of Life, lies in the palms of His Hands)

Sorry Clary

10 11 2008

“Precious Lord, take my hand…”

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