A year ago

27 08 2013

A year ago

This is what my eyes contemplated a year ago, today the panoramic view is completely different. From mountain to flat land. Life is not static…

To You My Friend

1 07 2008

Traveling can get you completely out of sink with writing. I landed on Puerto Rico on Thursday and in matter of minutes my mind went into the things I would encounter; my mom back home from the hospital after surgery last week and my responsabilities as a caretaker for the next few weeks. I wish I could be here with her all the time.

It is hard to think of what to write, to think what you would need to hear today so I will let my intuition do it for me.

Getting the focus out of what our immediate needs might be to attent to others is so helpful in so many ways. You are completely guided by the love you feel for one another and when you do so your worries and tensions disappear. I needed that. Now I understand why so many people began to dedicate their life to helping others. I try to be attentive and to anticipate what is needed of me and get so tired sometimes that I just crash on my bed at night.

Another positive thing about this whole experience is that when you begin to live this kind of service to others there is only one person you can rely on and that is God.

Hopefully this theme would be of interest to you and when you feel tired, worried or just consumed with your daily struggles you begin to look outside of yourself and see who needs you. If you have experienced something like this before I would love to know.